Really need help (34)

32 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-09-02 10:17 ID:dhBLzeyy


That was just some good old trollin I'm sure, lol

This is whole thing is so fucking cute...

Kita would, in the context of it's regular usage mean something like "it came!" or "it's here!"
Like when you get an awaited package or, a post in a thread, or if something rad happens, I dunno.
In the west it's primarily used by densha-geeks on equally geeky and lame weeaboo-boards.

Slow progress is good progress. Also the kiss on the cheek may have just been a friendly gesture, but in either which case it's clear she likes you, in a friendly or romantical way doesn't really matter at this stage.

Just keep socializing and get to know eachother, don't rush things.

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