Is dumping my boyfriend in his Best Interest?? (22)

14 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-09-25 21:02 ID:G6Rtjy/6

>"Can I have it both ways? Can I eat lunch, maybe sit together on a dorm couch and watch a movie, with some other guy… and then return to my boyfriend in the summer?"

I'm not going to go along with the rest of the folks in this thread and immediately jump on OP because maybe she misspoke.

I don't believe the OP necessary wants to cheat. In fact, I think she's just trying to live a life outside of her relationship; dating long distance can be lonely and wanting to have some semblance of a social life when your significant other isn't around is not a bad thing.

OP, you seem really sweet and, if I was your boyfriend, I'd feel lucky to have someone willing to take such severe measures as changing your style of dress in respect of your relationship. At the same time, I also think your boyfriend, especially if he hopes to marry you someday, has you best interests in mind. I've been lucky enough to date folks that don't mind me hanging out with members of the opposite sex-- the fact is, that I just don't get along with girls very well socially and to ask me to hang out strictly with women? More drama than it's worth.

So, in my opinion? Wanting to hang out with a guy to grab a meal, watch a movie, play a sport? Not remotely objectionable. Wanting to expand your horizons and DATE other guys, get some more experience, see what the world has to offer? Not something I'd suggest. Talk to the boyfriend. Tell him about your misgivings. Your doubts. Your fear of committing to something so far in the future that may impede your growth NOW.

And, oh yeah, all that stuff about "whoring yourself out"? Fuck it. We got some men that like their women in down coats zipped to their chins and not interacting with guys outside their family 'round these parts. Do what you feel is appropriate but, beforehand, talk to your boyfriend. He obviously cares a lot and I don't suggest burning that bridge. It's up to you two to set the boundaries of your relationship.

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