Is dumping my boyfriend in his Best Interest?? (22)

2 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-09-25 02:49 ID:1TG9ioH3

No you can't have both, or that would make you a selfish whore. Your boyfriend abstains from contact with the other sex while away from you just as much as you stay away from the boys. Truly though it sounds to me like your boyfriend is worth it. There's temptation to be around other people, but think about if you really like those people or if you really just want to use them as a substitute for the person you truly like. Remember, college doesn't last forever. You've hooked up with a good person, don't ruin it. It's the difference between a guy you might like for a few days and a guy you might end up with forever. Unless he's expressed interest in it, it's certainly not in his best interest. You should never feel obligated to continue with somebody, but you should always resist the temptation if you really like somebody. If it ever comes to the point that he no longer interests you, then it's tme to break it off, but it seems like you still love him. And truly, don't break his heart. I'm sure he's had many chances to go with other girls if he really wanted, chances I'm sure he didn't take. If you break up with him, he's just going to be bitter that he wasted his time with you. He's devoted himself to you, you need to do the same in return. As I said though, if you really don't like him don't stay with him, but it seems like you do. You have to be careful that you don't choose based on what feels good now, because now will screw you over. And honestly if you did hook up with a guy at your campus who was drawn in by your cleavage, they'd probably want one thing. Eating lunch leads to sitting on a couch which leads to maybe a bit of cuddling which leads to... It just seems like trouble. The best things in life are hard to attain and hard to keep, but worth it.

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