Is dumping my boyfriend in his Best Interest?? (22)

5 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-09-25 09:31 ID:9PDpEDP0

"Can I have it both ways? Can I eat lunch, maybe sit together on a dorm couch and watch a movie, with some other guy… and then return to my boyfriend in the summer?"

As a guy, I hate to say it, but that's called a slut, and that's one of the kindest names I can think of...

He sounds like a very devoted guy to you, and I know you feel like you're "missing out", but what are you missing out on??

The people who "get around" that you see all the time are single... They're looking for a relationship like the one that you already have... That's why they're doing what they're doing...

They're looking for a nice person like what you've already got, not cheating on that person, which is what you'd be contemplating doing!

I know if I was that guy, and found you doing things like this, I'd be disgusted, to say the least...

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