Why are the current generation of girls so dull? (43)

14 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-10-11 21:55 ID:Heaven

>>12 I know what they mean by dull. I just don't know what they mean by 'This generation'.

Every single generation has been as dumb as this one. In fact, over the years, each generation is supposedly getting smarter. The problem is, most of the members of 4-ch are intelectuals, and while most of us intelectuals don't think of ourselves as that smart, we do seem to be able to find stupid people left and center. We may only have a slightly above average IQ ranging from 110-130, but the fact is that, compared to the youth, we are the fucking intelectuals.

I'm just not getting the whole generation thing, or the gender thing. Go find yourself a smart chick that's your age or maybe slightly older. You can't have both lucious youth and inteligence, you know, and chances are that you can't find either.

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