Advice on a complicated long distance/online relationship (12)

1 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-10-20 04:03 ID:ablU/bUk

I've fallen in love with a girl I met online. I never had any intentions of having a internet/long distance relationship (and I'm fairly certain she didn't either) but I just can't deny the fact that I love her anymore. She is beautiful (to the point where I sometimes wonder what she is doing with a pretty average looking guy like myself) and somewhat of an "internet celebrity" so I've been pretty passive by letting her lead where our relationship goes in an effort not to come off as another creepy pseudo-stalker. We keep in constant communication with each other throughout the day with text messages, aim, and phone calls, joking and flirting. We've even briefly discussed good places/events to meet (we live on opposite sides of the country ;_;.) My real issue though, as I've stated before is that I'm truly in love with this girl but afraid confessing it to her (which would essentially be the first time I've made a bold move since first talking to her) without ever meeting her will scare her away and mess everything up (as she is constantly being bombarded by this type of thing by her "fans")

I apologize for the poorly written, super vague post - I originally had something much more specific but didn't feel right revealing so much about her. She's a very special girl and I'm a mess over her and just really in need of some advice

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