H.M. Workshop: Meeting women (57)

20 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-12-11 02:51 ID:aeYdrGkG

>Girls are a hobby of mine. Does that offend you? Does that sound shitty? GOOD, because it means you've understood.
>I like female attention, female company, and yes I even like the feel of a girl pressed against me and her skin. I like to hear her talk, and I like to hear her ideas, fears, aspirations, and the fruits of her education.

I said this....but I'd like to add something, a qualifier if I may:

Sometimes, we put our hobbies aside for a while.

For the last litle bit, I've kind of not messed around so much or been into women. Took a break, and left it alone.

Sometimes the best thing to do is just....take a break and come back later. If you get all "wrapped" up and you start getting frustrated, then take a break.

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