Big time questions... (74)

38 Name: NoStranger : 2008-02-17 15:31 ID:bfGUBYhW

OP Here;
With updates, primarily on LocalGirl! :)

OG: I do indeed gather that she rushes too much into relationships; I think she does want to quickly get back to that "having a guy at home every night" mentality, and I'm frankly surprised she hasn't e-mailed me more all weekend, rather than letting me relax; As it is, I think I'll drop her an e-mail today, just to stay in touch, but none of this dating business! I don't want to be her therapist, which is also why I got away from being involved, too!

LocalGirl, since going out Thursday, has been playing an MMO with me, since, on Friday night & last night! I had lent her some discs to reinstall an MMO that she played about a year ago, after we'd idly been chatting about it IRL, and she's gotten back into it now and I've created a character on her server to play with her! We played late into the night last night, we played until 3 AM, and while we both did eventually get tired, it was quite fun!

We were both cracking old movie references, making each other laugh, I flirted some, and she didn't seem put off by me!! She seems to have no problem with spending that long gaming with me, which really feels nice, I've never met anyone like this!

I'm going to drop her an e-mail shortly, to see if either later tonight, or tomorrow, when she's done with her classes, if she'd like to go out for dinner, or even a movie... Trying to word it so it still sounds casual, as I don't want to be too serious or too fast with her! I've never come across anyone like this before in my life, and don't want to ever screw this up!

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