Why do I run away from girls I like? (14)

6 Name: 1 : 2008-03-01 19:40 ID:L1jyJK2E

> My treatment for this- watch pron, or if you are already doing so, more pron.

you're stupid

> More than that, though, I think he needs to talk to people he actually knows about his issues and become more comfortable through, as you said, pushing himself a little bit more, and through experiencing that his anxiety isn't that big of a deal. It's a bit odd, but it isn't like "OMG WTF get away from me."

I agree, I'm not a naturally anxious person. I have a good handful of guy friends who I love talking with and can wrestle into making them hang out with me on weekends, and I have female lesbian friends as well. I think the technical term I'd apply to myself is "love-shy". ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Love-shyness ) It's really grating on me but I don't want to take meds for that, I took meds for ADD and it made me grumpy and boring. I am naturally happy most of the time so I don't want that.

I am definitely not afraid of sex, and when I'm talking with someone I'm not afraid of intimacy. It's mainly trying to get up the nerve to talk to someone, or apparently, pushing myself to continue hanging out with them when my brain sees an easy exit to the conversation.

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