Doomed? (57)

28 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-03-04 05:37 ID:FHP6/xsk

>>I honestly have no clue what you mean...

No wonder, my lack of understanding for the english language led me to misenterpret the word "sensibility". What I meant was; putting morals above emotions, or something like that.

>>Oddly enough, I don't even think most of these traits are my best traits.
>>Yeah, but my version of right and wrong may differ drastically from yours...

I think so too, yeah.

>>Is this feminism? I honestly don't know.

Not necessarily.

>>On one hand, I want to go "Uhhh, what?"

Well then to put it bluntly; I do not want a woman who isn't ok with me being the head of the family/relationship.

Anyway, thanks for being so forthcoming, you do seem like a nice girl, although people talking shit about others, pretty much makes me revolted. So that's a rather big turnoff. Out of curiousity, what do you think your best traits to be?


>>A woman can't contradict an analytical truth. (ie, truth by definition)

Yes and ofcourse these things are so simple that you could say; if you're not a feminist, you are definately bound by the faults and ideals of what I percieve to be the opposite. Right?

I don't need to call myself a feminist to believe all humans have equal rights, that's just so readily obvious in my mind. At the same time however, a large portion of the feminist movement stands for ideals and ideas I do not agree with. So I would never call myself that. And from what I've seen, those who typically call themselves feminists are not the kind of people I like to associate with. I've met plenty enough women who are outspokenly non-feminists to not feel a need to go there. Not surprisingly, I've also found these women to be some of the more intelligent and likeable persons I've known.

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