Doomed? (57)

30 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-03-04 21:04 ID:FHP6/xsk

You don't know what I believe in, you know your preconcieved ideas about things. I have never viewed or treated anyone as anything less than an equal.

I base my values on personal observations, not some shit I've been fed with by others without asking why I should eat it. This is what I think; people who percieve functions as having anything to do with value or equality have a very sick view of humanity, and are part of what is wrong about this world. I can't believe in womens rights without believing in mens rights and childrens rights, human rights in general, what is ultimately best for people, what best fulfill our needs.

I've been around for a while, I've seen how people work, how they think and act. And I repeat, I will not have a relationship with a woman who isn't ok with me being the head of the relationship. Ofcourse then, it is her choice to have it that way, and I have not deprived anyone of their rights to anything, unless you believe it is every womans right to have a relationship with me.
If you say feminism is about womens right to choose their part in society, then it is womens right to choose to be subordinate to their husbands. Am I wrong?

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