Doomed? (57)

36 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-03-05 04:06 ID:xaYGGmey

And now... MY obsurdly overly picky list of qualities for my perfect man:
Artistic, while opinionated about art and hates what modern art has come to. Loves to ponder the big issues in life. Aims to use his life to make the world a better place. Passionate. Isn't afraid to speak his mind, enjoys intelligent debate. Is at least decent to look at, prefferably has nice hair. Likes music, but isn't the type that obsesses with it too much. Has a good sense of humour, idealy, shares my sarcastic one. Is not christian. Has well thought out moral values, and sticks to them like glue. Is very open minded. Romantic. Not a pussy. Likes to travel. Likes to read. Is good in bed. Has dignity. Would not want to have children until he was in a position to be an excellent parent. Does not lie. Or cheat.

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