I know I am probably a bad person but the heart needs what it needs. (74)

23 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-04-07 23:13 ID:BonJTGlu

>>20 here.

>>21 Say, where do you learn to be so frustrated and caps-locking like that? Also, good future predicting skills, and cocks. To me it is very weird to see people so arrogantly defining others' futures... You make it sound like OP can only hope for doom and despair.

Yeah, what you say might happen and what others say might happen too but what OP wishes for might also happen... thing is... what does OP truly wish for ? I think that's closer to the reason why he's here, not so that he doesn't know what to do, he just doesn't know what he wants. And that's bad.

OP make up your mind, seriously. What do you want ?

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