how important is a person's looks? (50)

4 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-04-09 03:14 ID:EkDYOcnR

Well, I know lots of cute/hot girls. Of course, I won't tell you there are no second thoughts when we talk about them between guys. But for most, that's just what they are - cute/hot. Cavemen comments like "she has a nice booty", "I'd bang her anytime" or words like these happen. But it's not that serious; because as >>2 said, beauty fades and isn't even really a personnal achievement, rather than a gift from nature (ok, there is also work on that side, but it's not the same kind of work).

For me, looks are important. But it's not looks as in "let's post my picture on hotornot and see what happens", it's looks as in "general attitude". Coherence, and the way personality traits manage to surface in this attitude, in clothing, in posture, hand gesture, haircut, and so on.

There is something that is certain. The two times I really fell in love, I started to notice and love some things about the girls and to become really emotionally attached to these exterior traits only after I fell in love with their personality. I might have found them cute; but then I learnt to know them, and then I found them beautiful.

You know, love makes us blind...

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