I guarantee that your day wasn't as bad as mine. (21)

17 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-05-29 23:59 ID:VM0w3TMr

>>6 hey man, I honestly don't think its a big deal, your reaction was probably understandable in the situation, try apologising once they've cooled down a bit, just make sure they know it's a situation you are not used to, you were surprised didn't know how to act and you are very sorry for they way you acted and would like a second chance, for friendship at least.

The reason they were avoiding you is probably they are highly sensitive to rejection and being hurt by people who have found out and didn't take it as well as you might've, its awesome that your an open-minded person, but they don't necessarily understand that, they might be just assuming worst case scenario without giving you a chance. SO if you want to be friends etc you needa give them an extra chance to understand that you actually like them, want to get to now them better or whatever.

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