I guarantee that your day wasn't as bad as mine. (21)

9 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-05-28 22:11 ID:QPCsBJhe

If it helps, I don't think you've caught the gay. You identified that person as a woman, therefore you were after the features of the opposite sex. It's not your fault it was a trap.

And if you can still identify that person as a woman, and have a twisted sense of guts, then I guess you could still consider you straight if you keep your relationship with that person. (Having a penis or not is pretty much irrelevant, BTW.) But I can imagine how fucked up it could feel, so I wouldn't think it unreasonable to tell that person to forget about you, or to stay as friends.

If anyone's at fault, it's that person, who didn't tell you the truth from the start. It was a deliberate trap. Things like "I have a peenor" or "I'm married lol" need to be told beforehand.

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