Falling for a girl who's boyfriend is a close friend of mine... (16)

10 Name: rr_14 : 2008-06-02 18:31 ID:4/Mw9/0n

You're right, I shouldn't interfere with his relationship. No if, ands, or buts. God I really do come off as a selfish asshole that would ditch his friends in a heartbeat for a chick.

And part of the reason why I can't seem to get over my ex is because of my stupidity. I have access to her email accounts and myspace account. Having that, I log into her stuff and read her shit when I know I shouldn't. That's how I know shes a shit talker and really wants to get with some other guy and doesn't give two shits about me. I'm sure that if I could stop being such a nosy dick and stop reading her shit, I'd be able to get over her much easily but doing that is really hard for me. That's the only thing that I feel I have control over in my life ATM... (This is probably the only thing holding me back from having a happy life- I need to work on this)

I am the one who put myself in this position so I have to get myself outa it and NOT drag anyone else down with me.


I'll take your advice on that. I wont rush into anything with her besides friendship until they break up and even then I'll wait about a month after the breakup (or until he gets better) to try to get with her.

Well thanks for the advice guys... I'll update this in a couple of weeks and tell you guys what I end up doing...

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