Falling for a girl who's boyfriend is a close friend of mine... (16)

6 Name: rr_14 : 2008-06-02 05:09 ID:4/Mw9/0n


>I hope you learned a lesson from that, lad.

Haha, yeah I did, but we all learn from our mistakes right?

Well I've asked him about it when we were drunk and he said that whatever happens happens and he'll just get over it. But we were drunk and I didn't state it was me who would do that.

I guess I should wait but then comes the second dilemma. I only see her because she wasn't attending school. Now she enrolled in school again on Friday so the only time I get to see her now is when she visits her bf. So if they do break up and I do wait a few months odds I wont see her for those months.

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