Feeling hopeless (13)

8 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-06-02 07:45 ID:jPSM9SWL

>>Too bad she hates movies... She says its too predictable... Then I tried music and she says its all the same...

If she was even interested in you in a friendly regard, she would tell you all about her movie and music-interests, even if these are blatant and boring subjects to bring up out of the blue.

The above quoted answers are just bullshit. Take a hint, she isn't interested in you, and if you weren't so oblivious you would realize she's just answering your approaches on msn out of courtesy. If it wasn't because you go to the same school and classes, and not to cause unnessecary drama, she would've blocked you a long time ago. No one wants to seem like an asshole.

Reality stings but deal with it. If you step back, you will see. If she asks what's going on, then at least she's thinking of you.
Act like there's nothing wrong, talk to her some, then repeat.
If she does it again and continues to do so, then she does indeed have some form of interest in you. Also this will cause her to think about you more, and that in turn might cause her feelings for you to grow, if there is even a trace of something to begin with.

But I doubt there is. I think that if you don't write her, she won't write you either. Your aquintance will reduce to nods passing eachother in the school corridors....

Some people just can't take a hint.. Personally I think that's kind of endearing sometimes, but most do not.

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