Long distance relationships (10)

4 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-08-25 04:47 ID:GMn4OMAQ

4 hours isn't that much of a LDR. I mean it's something you can cover in a night and back if need be. And you can do it to spend a day with her.

To answer your concern: if there's a chance you guys might get together, then she probably would accept that you spend a weekend over at her house (find a reason: spending the saturday together then a party on saturday night so you can't drive back, or such things). Anyway, if you're at the age you can move and such things, you're probably a grown-up enough to spend a weekend at a girl's house without it being that much of a problem (and I'm not implying sex or anything like that; really, just, you should be able to do this casually).

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