When is it too late to get into the relationship game? (81)

17 Name: Hate Male Losers : 2011-08-20 19:51 ID:oNO2J9Bq

Oh yes there is a point in which it becomes too late. I thought like others have and gave a man at the age of 31 a chance at a first true relationship. Turns out they were wrong, any man who has never been in an intimate relationship by 30 is a lost cause. They will be so very clingy and obsessive to the point of stalking.

Hell I even had to call the police and have that man arrested for stalking me, after I had a restraining order placed on him. If a man is over 30 and has never been in a relationship that has outlasted a magazine subscription then same rules apply. Ladies, if a man asks you out go for that first date. On that date ask about his previous relationships and if you receive no answer, he hasn't had one, or has on but hasn't lasted a year then turn and run, fast. Leave that loser behind. If he tells you he had one or more relationships lasting over a year and he has lied, knee him in the balls and run.

To you men that are 30 or older and either never had a relationship, or a relationship lasting over a year then it is time to just remain permanently single and sexless. If you can't live with that then get counseling, or you may chose to end it all. I don't care one way or the other losers.

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