When is it too late to get into the relationship game? (81)

19 Name: Hate Male Losers : 2011-10-19 14:01 ID:xAWiF3LQ

Well well, lookie here girls it appears we have yet another male loser. Loser, just google "teh intarwebs" and you will find numerous other examples of what I am talking about. All male losers like you turn out to be stalkers. There is a reason men remain single even past 30 and mental problems are always the reason. Us women can see a creepy male from a mile away but cave under pressure from friends to date such losers. I didn't find out until after the creep I dated was arrested that he was an asspie. So gals if you sense a man is creepy run the other way. If he follows use your cell phone and call 911, describe the male loser in as much detail as you can, and let them know you are being stalked so they can arrest the creep. The less male losers we have on the streets, the better off society will be.

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