When is it too late to get into the relationship game? (81)

24 Name: Hate Male Losers : 2011-11-14 19:46 ID:xAWiF3LQ


Oh lookie here gals, the male loser is whining because I hurt his wittle feelings. Let's say you really are a woman"Which I highly doubt) with a 47 year old male loser. Give him time and his true colors will come shining right through.


It has nothing to do with sex and everything with relationship experience. Male losers lack relationship experience for a reason. If he wants to refrain from entering into a relationship that's fine by me. Once he reaches 30 though he should totally give up on the idea. By the age of 30 a man should have had at least 1 long term relationship, one that has lasted over a year. Issac Newton was fine with being single and male losers like you should learn that.

I know about Sir Isaac Newton and my shit has more intelligence than your brain can comprehend loser.

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