When is it too late to get into the relationship game? (81)

7 Name: Secret Admirer : 2008-10-05 20:38 ID:Heaven

theres no such thing as 'too late'. if anything, the older you get the easier it is, because frankly, people get more desperate in their old age.

now seeing as how youre in your 20s, youre not quite there yet. but as far as relationships go, being in your 20s without previous relationship experience is not a problem. why? because teenage relationships are generally worth absolutely nothing. you missed out on some puppy love and maybe some sex.

you need to stop looking at love and relationships as if they are a sort of game. you arent more likely to 'win' just because of some experience you gained as a kid. young people have a tendency to look at it this way. while as a youth it may not be entirely incorrect, ask those same people if they still think its a game when they are married with kids.

you fall in love with someone and they either love you back or they dont. if anything, an experienced man is going to prefer you because you dont come with baggage.

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