Something so outrageous so crazy and impossible to work... (23)

1 Name: Secret Admirer : 2009-02-03 05:10 ID:l4OWW5Rg

I have a shortened version of something that just happened to me over the course of this evening which is the end result of a few days of developing a stratedgy after weeks of speculation.

I recently resolved that when I go to japan for the next 3 years, I would put greater than half of my savings into an account and let it build up over the course of the time I am over there.

Since prices for houses are low (by default) in my hometown, I calculated out that by doing this, I will end up saving in the neighborhood of 45000 dollars which is enough for a decent old fashioned house in my area.

With this plan written down and details currently being worked out, I half jokingly called this girl I REALLY Liked and said to her:

"When I get back from japan, I am going to buy a house, wanna live there with me?"

And all she replied was
"If you put a ring on my finger"




In a nutshell. When I get back from japan, I am getting married.
Not only that, but I will also have a house.

Most people in my hometown just dont get a house untill they are in their early 30s and are well established in life. Even then, they will then fight mortgages till the day they die and have nothing to show except a "Credit score" which in this day and age now means nothing.

Call me crazy, But I think... I know I can do it.
But more importantly than all of that;

A line I never thought would work, never thought would get more than a laugh actually got me a steady and a prospect for marriage.

Hows that for ya?

2 Name: Secret Admirer : 2009-02-03 05:53 ID:md42cvdH

What the fuck.

3 Name: Secret Admirer : 2009-02-03 11:48 ID:1ZPWZlE8

lol :3
stay motivated

4 Name: Secret Admirer : 2009-02-03 13:33 ID:b6cFXb77

She'll have quite a few other guys in the time you're gone.

5 Name: Secret Admirer : 2009-02-03 14:08 ID:X10mLab1

As they say, "seize the day"...

6 Name: Secret Admirer : 2009-02-04 00:39 ID:Heaven

I'm not saying she is a golddigger..

7 Name: Secret Admirer : 2009-02-05 07:43 ID:Heaven


...but I am.

8 Name: Scotland : 2009-02-05 22:22 ID:WwgyAnhq

After reading this.

Yes indeed, What the Fuck.

9 Name: AnonymousMan7 : 2009-02-06 01:23 ID:XfpHs9T+

As much as you may not wanna hear this, but three years is a long time, who knows, you might find someone there and she might find someone else, its too early to make promises.

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