Something so outrageous so crazy and impossible to work... (23)

1 Name: Secret Admirer : 2009-02-03 05:10 ID:l4OWW5Rg

I have a shortened version of something that just happened to me over the course of this evening which is the end result of a few days of developing a stratedgy after weeks of speculation.

I recently resolved that when I go to japan for the next 3 years, I would put greater than half of my savings into an account and let it build up over the course of the time I am over there.

Since prices for houses are low (by default) in my hometown, I calculated out that by doing this, I will end up saving in the neighborhood of 45000 dollars which is enough for a decent old fashioned house in my area.

With this plan written down and details currently being worked out, I half jokingly called this girl I REALLY Liked and said to her:

"When I get back from japan, I am going to buy a house, wanna live there with me?"

And all she replied was
"If you put a ring on my finger"




In a nutshell. When I get back from japan, I am getting married.
Not only that, but I will also have a house.

Most people in my hometown just dont get a house untill they are in their early 30s and are well established in life. Even then, they will then fight mortgages till the day they die and have nothing to show except a "Credit score" which in this day and age now means nothing.

Call me crazy, But I think... I know I can do it.
But more importantly than all of that;

A line I never thought would work, never thought would get more than a laugh actually got me a steady and a prospect for marriage.

Hows that for ya?

10 Name: Secret Admirer : 2009-02-07 06:01 ID:IjQU5vcT

I doubt so on the meeting another person. It took me a long time between the last girlfriend (died in a car accident) and now, and even then, the only women I see really are military types and TBH I do not prefer myself that kind of romantic relationship.

with the "what the fuck" bits, I just shrugged and said "Whats she gonna do? say no?" and gave it a try.

furthermore, I know an unfortunate loads about this woman and I know full well she isnt the type to take advantage for money. If she was, she would have had alot of boyfriends during highschool.

Anywho, the point is that if things dont go well between me n her, then hey, least I have a house of my own with no mortgage.

Finally, I have been in the military 5 years now and the last time I had a girlfriend was back in 06 but as I mentioned she is dead. My hometown is not the kind of town where one really has a lot of options for dating.

But whatever, moral of the story is you never known untill you take a risk.

11 Name: Secret Admirer : 2009-02-07 12:15 ID:s5ZhhhxQ

Don't make up your mind yet, it half sounds like you're settling. I suggest you keep an open-mind for the next 3 years, otherwise you might miss out on something great.

12 Name: Secret Admirer : 2009-02-07 15:58 ID:klUQnn6w

Stuff like that is never 'written in stone'.

13 Name: Secret Admirer : 2009-02-07 16:04 ID:klUQnn6w

Stuff like that is never 'written in stone'.

14 Name: Secret Admirer : 2009-02-09 04:53 ID:goBtPPEY

Be careful, OP. Both you and her should hopefully love and know each other. But... there are YEARS involved and unstable economics. Date off-base if allowed, don't settle easily.

And unless this is blazing love, don't live on specific plans soldier, be ready to adapt and get to reknow your mate.

15 Name: Secret Admirer : 2009-02-09 08:46 ID:Heaven

No plan survives contact with the enemy.

16 Name: Secret Admirer : 2009-02-09 20:34 ID:l4OWW5Rg

>>14 thanks for the advice.
I am, it seems highly adaptive. Yet at the same time, I am quite ready to have a family of my own. Random dating for me never seems to just work out so well and it usually ends up being someone I have known for a while and things just... happen.

My plan though, calls for me saving up enough money so that when I come back, as long as economic conditions (good or bad, I thought ahead enough and planned for higher prices than anticipated) I will be settled in. I do not want to stay in the army forever as it would seem right now I live a mostly hermit like existance. (Though fortunatly my MOS costs too much to be sent into high risk areas)

>>15 clearly you've never tried >.>.

p.s. saging never works

17 Name: Secret Admirer : 2009-02-10 18:45 ID:yBH4iv7Y

You gotta remember murphy's law man,
things don't always go according to plan, so make sure you have a plan "b" and plan "c" ready.

18 Name: Secret Admirer : 2009-02-11 20:18 ID:qWefVz3m

Plan B is marry a japanese bride, put a chain around her leg, maid dress on her and put her to work.

Plan c is a combination of chloroforme, jackass stunts and a car with a big ass antennae on it.

lol j/k

I have plans b and c both of which involve a house being fully paid off anyways

19 Name: Secret Admirer : 2009-02-11 20:36 ID:Heaven


20 Name: Secret Admirer : 2009-02-11 22:26 ID:AuV4gwbl

OP I see a strong desire in you to start a family. I admire that quality, but you can ask anyone who has started a family, it is no joke. A friend of mine advised me that when you entering marriage, you are not only entering a loving, caring relationship, but you are also entering a butt load of work. It is hard to maintain a relationship, it is hard to care for another. Toss kids in there and the difficult will get bigger. In the present situation of the world, where the economy is failing miserably, life is not going to be easy. It will probably get worse actually. And in the US, where marriage can be considered a joke, in many respects, you should be careful of what you are getting into. Again, I admire you wanting to settle down, but do not rush into it. Take your time, make smart decisions, or else you will get hurt.

21 Name: Secret Admirer : 2009-02-13 02:48 ID:EK8JOkaU

it's easy to say but hard to do though...
have you also put monetary inflation in your calculation?
if you have successfully got your home, she hasn't got any "ring" yet?
many things could happened in 3 years~ ^^
don't be so happy yet...
do you have your plan B?

22 Name: Secret Admirer : 2009-02-17 12:34 ID:zJGxPaXg


Sorry to hear about your last gf, that's horrible.

I hope you plan on signing a pre-nup with your new fiance (to be?) though, because you might end up down the road finding yourself no longer owning that nice house if you split up.

23 Name: Secret Admirer : 2009-02-22 07:12 ID:l4OWW5Rg

House will be mine. I am paying for it 100%.

And Marriage is no joke. I am getting along in age and so far have lived an active adult life. I feel a strong strong urge to settle down and the girl I am seeing, I have known since I was like...13 or so. whatever age middle school starts at.

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