Something so outrageous so crazy and impossible to work... (23)

10 Name: Secret Admirer : 2009-02-07 06:01 ID:IjQU5vcT

I doubt so on the meeting another person. It took me a long time between the last girlfriend (died in a car accident) and now, and even then, the only women I see really are military types and TBH I do not prefer myself that kind of romantic relationship.

with the "what the fuck" bits, I just shrugged and said "Whats she gonna do? say no?" and gave it a try.

furthermore, I know an unfortunate loads about this woman and I know full well she isnt the type to take advantage for money. If she was, she would have had alot of boyfriends during highschool.

Anywho, the point is that if things dont go well between me n her, then hey, least I have a house of my own with no mortgage.

Finally, I have been in the military 5 years now and the last time I had a girlfriend was back in 06 but as I mentioned she is dead. My hometown is not the kind of town where one really has a lot of options for dating.

But whatever, moral of the story is you never known untill you take a risk.

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