Is it always true that the nice ones always finish last? (24)

20 Name: Aretsu : 2009-02-12 01:31 ID:NFN/CpM4

ah, okay...fine, you made me admit it. I don't like the 'chase'. Some people may disagree with me (and actually half of myself disagrees), but I somewhat feel powerless (maybe wrong word choice there) when I have to go after somebody. I'm afraid of rejection; I'm not confident...actually it's more like I don't know how to present myself without wondering whether I sound desperate or stupid or both; and I have this unreasonable fear of 'failed relationships'/responsibility. If I went after Male Person A and our relationship fails, then I'd feel guilty for causing him pain, myself, pain, and etc. But if Male Person B went after me, it'd be easier on my conscience to immediately place all the blame on him (eventually I'd see the light and realize it was our mutual faults but at least my pride would be able to temporarily feed on that). Oh shit...this just tells me that I'm really not ready for all this.

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