Need help or advice on getting to the next level. (9)

1 Name: Secret Admirer : 2009-04-06 13:21 ID:xniAkBcX

Hallo /love/. I'm writing this with the hope that anon has an answer or at least a piece of advice for me.

I've been going out with this girl. She is of the punk/rebel type, with an artistic aura to her. She is more feminine than you would come to expect just by seeing her, and she is really cute.

Even when I'm not punk/rebel type (I have no association with any kind of urban tribe) we have clicked well because I'm able to discuss whatever theme she brings to the table, and, being an artist myself, we have found to have lots of things in common. We also like cats, and her sister (and even her sister's husband) have grown fond of me.

However, anons of /love/, I'm afraid I'm starting to get dangerously close to being friendzoned. I don't want that to happen. I've been friendzoned plenty of times, but I never cared before because I didn't think the others were worth the effort. But I think she does, and I'm at a loss on when to tell her I love her without it sounding weird, and I think I'm running out of time.

Please help me anons.

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