Can women feel loneliness to the same extent men can? (61)

6 Name: Secret Admirer : 2009-05-03 02:35 ID:7PcAz2pY

>Well, I think I see where the "bitter virgin" comes from

You do realise that you just proved his point by using that to insult him?

>sex can actually be quite a degrading experience

So what you're saying is that you enjoy being degraded?

>you must eat to stay alive

You enjoy being degraded so much that you can't function properly without it? What exactly are you saying here?

>mother, sister, whatever

My mother is from a different generation, much like >>5 just said. The oldest sister in my family, however, does pretty much spend all of her time with her slutty friends in bars and clubs and I have lost count of the amount of "boyfriends" she has had over the past year. I still remember when she was a "shy" girl too. The other sister is only 11 years old right now, but as sad as it is, I expect that she too will be socialised into the same sort of lifestyle as the other. Especially since she looks up to her. It is depressing really.

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