How to find out if she likes me without being direct... (26)

16 Name: Secret Admirer : 2009-06-01 03:26 ID:Heaven

Oh okay, that's what I thought you meant. Because you're using the word hypocrisy wrong. It doesn't make sense the way you're using it. But I agree in that OP shouldn't shower the girl in compliments just for the sake of it.

And yes..insincerity would probably be a better word than dishonest/fake.

Anyway. I also agree with the whole asking questions thing. It's subtle, and most girls like to have someone listen to their interests.

For the record OP, even though you're taking the "safe" option, I think you're going about this the right way. You're smart, and grounded. You're well aware that the girl might not be interested in you, and so you're protecting yourself, but you're also making progress without scaring her off. I think more guys on this board should learn from you.

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