How to find out if she likes me without being direct... (26)

22 Name: Secret Admirer : 2009-06-06 13:30 ID:Heaven

> I think I can handle that. But one compliment per meeting isn't too much, is it? I'm not going to compliment her every fifteen minutes but one good compliment should be alright I think.

No, it is not fine. Do I have to repeat my advice of "DO NOT COMPLIMENT"?

> She's so unreadable though. I can't tell if she's just really friendly or if there's a genuine attraction. Hmmm, well, I guess just keep complimenting and see where that leads, if anywhere.

She's nothing, you're subjective. Stop being subjective and be objective, stop thinking of what she is or how she thinks, and start thinking of what you want to do with her.

You're saying that she's unreadable but I've already read her, she wants to do something with you, and you're only slowing things down.

> But it's great because we do share a lot of interests. We can talk about so much and stuff. It's so great to just be around her! I find myself constantly looking forward to the next time we meet.

A relationship has nothing to do with common interests. The only common interest that is required is interest in each other, for a healthy relationship. It seems she likes you, and you know you like her. Verify that she also likes you, and enjoy each other? Isn't that what you ultimately want to do, with few, simple words? (enjoy does not take the sexual meaning, but it includes the act, though it is not necessary)

Am I confusing you and you don't know what to do? It's simple, tell her that you like her. Forget about compliments, go, find her, tell her that you like her and ask her if she likes you. If you can't think of anything, here's an example

"Hey X, how are you? What do you think of me? Because I really like you and I'm not sure how you feel about me"

This is according to the goals we agreed previously that describe best your situation. If you see her smiling or anything like that, you could kiss her. Don't necessarily make it a plain kiss, put your hand on one of her chicks, or behind the head inside her hair, or touch her ear. You're allowed to do something freaky, and as long as she finds it nice it's guaranteed to be a bonus. Don't grab her tits or ass, because I've figured as much that she's not that kind of girl (not that you're that kind of man, but whatever)

If she says that she also likes you, don't fucking wait, kiss her.

If she says no, well, there's not much you can do but accept this. You can't always win as they say. IMHO you should also stop being a friend of hers, unless you think your friendship is that much fruitful.

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