Uh, A Survey (54)

6 Name: Secret Admirer : 2009-06-12 09:05 ID:IlOmyQc3

OP, I don't really get how productive this survey is meant to be. It's really just a getting to know you thread under the guise of a "greater cause" right? I mean come on, some of these questions and the life story you give are a wee bit irrelevant. Nonetheless, it is interesting to read the profiles of the posters here.

I have to add though, there is a difference between emo and deep. I think you're the former. You like to feel sorry for yourself and would like to think of yourself as the tragic hero. No way are you deep because judging from your posts in other threads, you criticise people and jump to conclusions way too quickly without thinking.

As for "Asian upbringing", I had that too, and I turned out fine. As a girl, I was beaten, humiliated, bullied by students AND teachers, ran away from home a couple of times and was driven to the point of suicidal thoughts. And that's not even the whole story. But you know what the difference between you and me is? I quickly realised that life around you goes on. It doesn't wait for you, and if you're going to mope around in self pity, then you're just going to get left behind. I had so much I wanted to achieve, and I only had myself to blame if I continued to be haunted by my past.

I love my life now.

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