Are women more shallow than men? A new interpretation (6)

3 Name: Secret Admirer : 2009-08-02 13:25 ID:EY9Q85Sz

> Men have a wider range of what they consider to be attractive in a woman.

Than women? How do you know? Are you sure you're not just talking about the men and women that you've met in your life? How can you be talking about all men and women? Are you talking about our age? Ie 2009? Men and women did differently in 1400, for instance. Are you talking about humans regardless of age? In an enlightened age, beauty might not even be considered so I'm wondering for which men and women you're talking of because certainly you can't be theoritically covering every man and woman.

> We won't think a woman has a good character just because she looks good.

You're saying that all men are NOT fooled by looks? What bollocks. Who the fuck are you? The men advocate? Go get fucked.

> Women are different - They will infer that because a man is good looking he is also charming, funny and intelligent right on the spot,

How do you know?

I'll tell you exactly what is happening >>1 You pontificate from your experiences, and I think it's time you forget all this and gather more experiences.

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