Long time Crush (56)

3 Name: Secret Admirer : 2009-11-09 11:18 ID:bIoJNCys

You aren't crushing on him, you are crushing on the idea of him, an idealized view of what you think he is like rather than anything based on reality. You need to move on because you are effectively crushing on a figment of your imagination and this is unhealthy because it's preventing you from moving into a real relationship. I'm telling you this as someone who had suffered from a similar obsessive crush-from-afar type deal, though I did meet her and talk to her once and spent time in her company though silently, even though I am mostly over it I still think about her in weak moments, which is too often still really.

My advice tell your friends to never to mention him again to you, and do your best to put him out of your thoughts entirely. Think about meeting new people and getting to know them and maybe even dating.

If you really have to do something for yourself address a letter to some non-existent person and non-existent place and bare your soul, mail it, and move on. As a plus someone may eventually read it and get a laugh out of it.

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