Need advice on my situation (5)

1 Name: Secret Admirer : 2009-11-18 06:39 ID:NUpnNzuh

These situations are probably pretty common, so I apologize, still, at the risk of sounding egotistic, I want to at least believe my situation is somewhat unique

I, a male, am in love with my best friend. We met freshman year of college and she just graduated, while I am finishing my 5th year of school. She has moved to a town about 5 hours away from where I will be once I graduate. We keep in touch (about once or twice a month) and she recently visited town for my birthday, and paid the bill for the birthday dinner ($120). She only recently broke up with her boyfriend a couple of months ago but they are still talking and she isn't sure about the whole situation with them ("a break up is never a break up"). We have been good friends for such a long time too that I feel guilty for developing romantic feelings for her recently. But I feel, right or not, that she is perfect, and as a result I barely make an effort when it comes to other girls. Moreover, over the course of the 5 years we have known each other, I have changed a lot and gained more confidence, but lately I have been wondering if I have been changing myself in order to meet her expectations or if I am really doing it for myself, and I'm confused.

My two questions:
1) Do you guys ever see there being a chance that we end up together? Is there a situation where later in life, she realizes that I'm the one and returns my reciprocated love? Or is even having that mindset ruinous and dangerous to my person?
2) A general sort of question, do Hollywood romance movies and fairy tale stories ever happen in real life? (After all, I came to this board because of Densha Otoko and because I'm in a serious mood right now, versus my normally light hearted thought process)

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