i can't help playing mind games (18)

17 Name: Secret Admirer : 2009-12-01 17:41 ID:Heaven


You're right, I don't know you. And generalizations always wrong because there are always exceptions. I've waited a day before posting again and I realize I shouldn't be disrupting this thread with a debate, so I apologize to >>1.
I think the situation you describe is somewhat accurate, but I think it's more realistic to say that a good man is what's best for her. But what is best for us is not always what we want.

So to sum it up you want a man that does not need you and has plenty of dating options already? That's predictable. Irrational but predictable.
I don't believe you when you say you want honesty. I'd press the issue but I don't feel I'd be getting an honest answer.

Now in defense of >>1, you have no right to judge him as being boring, unless you happen to be his ex. Who said she was bored, not that he was boring. Because, as he's figured out on his own, he was all too easily there for her. (And right now, she's probably having second thoughts, but only because he's no longer available)
Because for some reason it drives women nuts when they are ignored. When a guy runs to her and is open to her and treats her like a princess, that's the exact opposite of that. I can only speculate on why. It's stupid, but men are no better. Only, in general, we know what we want and can sum it up in a few words.

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