Am I weird for liking geeks? (17)

1 Name: atashi-sama : 2009-12-18 16:26 ID:SEksoWKq

Hey, I'm a 16 year old girl. Still in high school.
I don't know, I need an opinion, because I'm confused and I don't want to be influenced by what my classmates have been telling me.

I'm an anime fan. A HUGE one. Not ashamed at all.
So, I don't know if that had any beneficial factors into this result, but I'm just trhowing it in there.

SO I like guys who are more on the geeky side.
Skinny? Kinda cute.
Likes anime/manga/comics? Points gained~
Likes gaming? Another point~
Goes to conventions? Hug
A bit awkward? A lot cute~
Glasses? gwomp
Not showing a racial preference or anything, but...
East Asian? Fallen in love

So yeah, that's the thing.
I love otaku guys.
My friend showed me some pictures of her trip to Japan when she went by Akihabara, and I fell in love with it. I don't know...
My mother says I have weird taste in guys, and so do all my friends.
Is it really true?
Is it so socially wrong to love geeky asian guys?
I have a thing for nerds.
I thought it didn't matter who you like, right, as long as you like them?
Why does everyone else make it seem like it /is/ a bad thing...

_| ̄|O

I need a bit of feedback. Just so I know where I stand... (((((((((((((((-_-U

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