Unsure how to progress with slightly older Japanese woman (15)

11 Name: Aging Otaku : 2010-01-15 12:53 ID:90gs43L+

I do not know what your further plans for college is, but one of the things that many colleges offer, which is, as I am sure you are aware, is an exchange program. Maybe it is time to start building the seeds of a firm friendship, then try to get into a course where you could be an exchange student, and visit her country.

Also, the internet is a powerful tools in overcoming communication costs over long distances. Not too long ago, if you wanted toe call Japan, China, or anywhere outside the US, we were looking at costs over $1.00 per minute. Over Christmas my mother and sister were in the UK, I was able to talk to them on a regular phone in the UK using my computer and VoIP for 3 cents a minute. I used to make local calls outside of my immediate calling area (calling the next town over) and paid more than that. The cost of communications have dropped so dramaticlly that it has made it a much smaller world at least in that perspective.

So pretty much work on developing the relationship on a friendly level, also, try to get to understand more of her interests, likes, and dislikes. Japanese Culture is a mix between old and new. There are many older customs, as well as many new advances. So it's hard to tell how to move foward relationship-wise without knowing more about her background.

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