Making a move on a shy guy (49)

35 Name: Secret Admirer : 2011-03-10 01:20 ID:2El20NsT

First of all, congratulations, OP. I hope everything goes well.


Yep, can't come up with anything better than "lol you're a virgin". You're pretty pathetic.

But hey, I'll call all those people I've slept with and them them what happened wasn't real, because some stupid 12 year old on the internet says so!

And my sex drive is perfectly fine, thank you. That's my whole god damn point, you stupid fuck, is that different people have different sex drives and just because someone doesn't fit in your narrow view of what you think is normal doesn't make them bad or gay or whatever the fuck. I don't know why this is such a hard, revolutionary concept for you.


Lol the irony. You know what would happen if I went to a self help group? They'd laugh me out of there, because I am normal. Like I said, kid, grow up and learn about the world.


You know what's sad? Is you put people into little groups that have clear and defined boundary's and when someone steps outside of those boundarys your little pea brain is so stunted and unused all you can do is call them bad names. Not every guy wants sex all the time with every women, you fucktard. The shit you spew is plain old wrong. It's wrong, you're wrong, and you need to stop saying it.


Lol go read that wikipedia article again. As I said, not wanting to fuck every women all the time is not a bad, unusual thing, and it's certainly not erectile dysfunction. God you're such a sad fucking moron.


Can't you see, >>30, we're just damn dirty homosexuals who want to ruin their day because we're EVIL! We spread lies on the internet, because we're evil homosexuals!

It's not like people have varying degrees of sexual drive! Or that men don't always want to fuck everything that moves! Or that we like to take things slowly!

NEVER! Those things obviously don't exist, because the T.V. and rap music and my red-neck dad and his buddies told me so! It obviously means we're impotent gays!

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