Making a move on a shy guy (49)

38 Name: Secret Admirer : 2011-03-10 16:21 ID:20SwVGpF

Nothing actually
Of course that’s not what was being addressed now was it?
Because I was under the impression what was being addressed was whether a man who doesn’t jump at every and any opportunity at sex was mentally healthy.
The argument presented was that any man who didn’t do that had physiological or psychological problems.
I argued that these sorts of notions are just a social constructs
The other person backed up his argument by appealing to biology,
Which I assumed he meant the notion that sexual gratification is a physiological need, at the very least for mammals (if my assumption was wrong feel free to correct me and elaborate).
Those arguments were countered be stating that the need for sexual gratification does not equate for a need for sexual intercourse.
The masturbation bit was simply a counter for his appeal to biology
If you’re still confused you can try to draw a flowchart to help you understand
Goodness, you couldn't even read nine lines? I do hope your attention span is a lot longer for less trivial matters. I know deep down you’re a good person and would feel terrible if something bad happened to someone due to you not paying attention.
So stay alert when you need to silly .

Anyway I think this belief that a man who doesn’t jump at every opportunity for sex is less than a man is pretty similar to the belief that a woman who does jumps at every opportunity for sex is a slut.
They are both similar in that they are roles that society just kind of lumps on everyone.
Personally I think that’s wrong
People can do whatever they want with their bodies.

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