Untranslated manga (95)

1 Name: !WAHa.06x36 2004-11-09 14:55 ID:FE9pYNiw [Del]

Here's a chance to complain about all the awesome manga that nobody's translating! I'll go first, because I LOVE complaining!

* Cloth Road. Story by Kurata Hideyuki of Read or Die fame, and art by Okama (http://okama.nicomi.com/). Runs in Ultra Jump.
* Propeller Heaven by Tomizawa Hitoshi, who did Alien 9 and Milk Closet. I love both of those, and I really want to read this one. Kotonoha has given some indication that he may do it. Also from Ultra Jump, I believe.
* Discommunication, by Riichi Ueshiba. His later manga, Yume Tsukai, has been at least partially translated, but his previous long-running (some 17 volumes in all) manga Discommunication remains untranslated. Ran in Afternoon, info here: http://www.kodanclub.com/cgi-local/comic.cgi?id=009-00096-01-013

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