4chan should split the /b/ board (130)

1 Name: 404 - Name Not Found : 2006-04-28 23:27 ID:MUvGvd8x

I think 4chan should follow Futaba's model and make more than one /b/ board. Why?

  1. The board moves too fast. By the time you post to a thread, it's already deleted.
  2. The board is mostly filled with unfunny kopipe. Kopipe wouldn't likely move from one /b/ to another, thus decreasing the problem.
  3. Meme creation has slowed down considerably, mostly due to the boards being flooded with kopipe. Good memes would transfer between the /b/'s, whereas crappy ones would only be posted on one board by those who are forcing it.

Just a thought.

113 Name: 404 - Name Not Found : 2007-10-10 12:45 ID:+L3hZO3d

Whenever someone takes the initiative to produce their own material in /b/, others seem to get the hint and make it better for everyone. Unfortunately, it seems that to most its more convinient and just as entertaining to say OMG MOTIVATE ME and see a thread full of cruft you've seen 100 times before.

114 Name: 404 - Name Not Found : 2007-10-12 05:50 ID:Jzrfds4i


Now's the time to strike. By that, I mean the camwhores are 50% gone, the Gaiafaggots have gone back to school, and I'm also very sure that Newfaggots are out, and if not, are very vulnerable. We should at least ask that white cat Moot to step up a Cookie Banning system. Hell, even the Gaiafaggots have that if you've been to 4chan and tried to come back.

115 Name: 404 - Name Not Found : 2007-10-13 22:45 ID:OnkhEELb


Go back to Encyclopedia Dramatica plox.

420's /b/ is actually pretty decent, though a little slow.

116 Name: 404 - Name Not Found : 2007-10-19 21:52 ID:tLNWbwDb


There are no womenz on the interbutt. Therefore, no vaginas.

117 Name: 404 - Name Not Found : 2007-10-21 07:45 ID:J7TGlIW7

If this was an imageboard, I'd post the "how-to tape your penis back so it looks like you got a vagina" pic.

118 Name: 404 - Name Not Found : 2007-10-22 04:46 ID:cHCk3KcB


Copy pasta in not a valid response, try again.

119 Name: 404 - Name Not Found : 2007-10-22 23:46 ID:Heaven


> etou...

This is not an English word why did you say it

120 Name: 404 - Name Not Found : 2007-10-24 01:25 ID:P4HS6wrs


He didn't.

121 Name: 404 - Name Not Found : 2007-10-27 22:31 ID:BChrdPoE

For those of you just tuning in, 4chan admins have now throttled /b/. There are significant limits to posting:

  • 30 seconds between replies
  • 45 seconds between replies with images
  • 10 minutes (yes, minutes) between new threads

Also, the following changes were made to how /b/ appears:

  • Limit of 5 posts per thread shown on front page reduced to just 3
  • Limit of 10 threads shown on the front page increased to 15
  • Fewer lines will now be shown per post/reply on the front page

All in all, so far it looks like the changes have made a positive impact.

122 Name: 404 - Name Not Found : 2007-10-28 00:24 ID:LcnHqcQv

Copypastas are dumb. Just agree, don't bother me about them.

123 Name: 404 - Name Not Found : 2007-10-28 04:42 ID:ld3iJiGn

Seems to be entirely centred around conserving bandwidth.

124 Name: 404 - Name Not Found : 2007-10-31 12:34 ID:VOqJ089z

If it was to conserve bandwith, why would they increase the limit of threads per page from ten to fifteen?
That's a 50% increase on threads up before they are auto-deleted, plus they've increased to the replies a post can have before being auto-saged to something like 350.

125 Name: 404 - Name Not Found : 2007-10-31 23:44 ID:ld3iJiGn

> why would they increase the limit of threads per page from ten to fifteen?

It might prevent someone from having to look for a thread they just created on the second page.

> increased to the replies a post can have before being auto-saged to something like 350.

Cuts down on recreation of dying threads.

126 Name: 404 - Name Not Found : 2007-11-02 00:32 ID:mRu82Gty


> increased to the replies a post can have before being auto-saged to something like 350.

Oh lawd, at this rate they'll eventually be up to 1000 posts max like the text boards. It's kind of wierd, this sort of reverse evolution that's come about from westerners being introduced to Futaba-style boards before 2ch-style boards.

127 Name: 404 - Name Not Found : 2007-11-08 19:43 ID:fcg9mrVj

Eevn with the new limits, I can't find a thread I just made on the first page RIGHT FUCKING AFTER I made it.

128 Post deleted.

129 Name: 404 - Name Not Found : 2007-11-10 19:28 ID:Heaven

re-upload the same image and it should take you to the original thread

130 Post deleted.

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