Anyone heard of anoNet? (29)

12 Name: 404 - Name Not Found : 2007-03-26 22:59 ID:PEU6a7wR

>>7 has a point, I think... It's hard to tell. Anonet is fucking psychotic about some things. Kind of like those people who refuse to use email at all unless it's PGP(compatible) encrypted, for no good reason. I've read their wiki, which exists within anonet. They have some rediculous ways of making sure that people are not within the same country while remaining anonymous. Most involve a third-party within anonet. Example, maybe you'd both give one of the anonet founders the first octet of your IP. If there was a likely hood you were in the same country, they would probably say you shouldn't peer. Or maybe they'll get the whole degree part of either your latitude or longitude - not both - which can then be used to verify that the two people who want to peer cannot possibly in the same country. It's kind of crazy.

That being said, anonet people have told me that not everyone on anonet is psycho like that. I don't know - I didn't stick around long enough to find out. I'd rather see a vpn that grows friend-to-friend, kind of like WASTE. Anyway, anonet is a neat idea and brilliant implementation, but a huge pain in the ass, unless you're REALLY interested.

Speaking of, if I can garner enough interest within the community at my university, and maybe a couple others I'm a member of, I'll probably be setting up a F2F VPN, to experiment with routing protocols and whatnot as well as a way for people behind routers or something to provide services. I'm newish to this board - would there be enough interest to do such a thing here?

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