英語ってどうやったら覚わるんだよ (8)

2 名前: 名無しさん@日本語勉強中 : 2008-02-11 20:28 ID:hm0k7rmL


Most Japanese try to learn English the way they learn Japanese, especially in school:

  • massive particularized repetition (kana and kanji require this)
  • highly formal understanding of grammar (because Japanese has very few irregularities)

This doesn't work well for English because the complexity of English is found in different parts of the language, although both are perhaps approximately equal in total complexity.

Monolingual Japanese also tend to suffer because they do not seem to understand what it means for a language to be non-syllabaric and phonologically richer than Japanese. There is a delusion that カタカナ adequately convey the sound of a very different language.

My advice is to watch a lot of English-language movies and TV, resorting to dictionaries rather than subtitles to understand what is said, and repeating the lines yourself. Learning any language is much easier if you make it a part of your entertainment; there has to be some fun involved.

なんか無駄ですよね、このレス (¬_¬)/¯

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