I've been waiting.... (791)

1 Name: benson_2009 : 2006-03-08 06:46 ID:rBmL8F/W This thread was merged from the former /love/ board. You can view the archive here.

I'm usualy just a lurker around the board, but today i have a story... recently i been posting about long distance relationship because I really like this girl that lives in japan. but i live in australia so its really hard if i want to confess to her.. well this is how it all started...

Around 2005 April, i was picked on by some people at school because of my hobby, which is movie making. I'm really like a movie otaku, i love watching movies thats why my dream is to become a film director. most of the girls i knew, i told them about my hobby and they would all ne like "isn't that like really immature??" and later on wont ever talk to me.. it was around November when i was on a japanese pen pal website where i met the japanese girl, her name was Aya. we started emailing each other talking about school and life style ect. then i asked her if she used skype and she said she uses it so we added each other. we started talking in skype, (to those who doesn't know its like msn but you use microphone to talk). for the first time, i told her i'm into film making... she unlike the other girls was actualy intrested in it.. she asked me when can i show her my movie.

we talked almost everyday, mostly for 2 hours and we can always talk about anything like movies, anime, school, music ect.. then one night... we talked for 6 hours! i only had 2 hour sleep because i had to wake up for tennis lessons >"< we got more close after that. for christmas i bought her a bracelet and air mailed it to her, she liked it alot. one day i got her email but was really surprised... usualy at the end of the email she would just write "from Aya" but this time she wrote "Love from Aya". i had this feeling when i saw it. after that, i didn't hear from her for 2 weeks and then one night i got her email asking when can i talk to her... but after that... I've waited for a month and stil counting on... I emailed her before saying i have something to tell her because i planned to confess to her next time we talk.. but now i dont think i can do it because i reckon its highly likely i may get rejected since we are so far away _| ̄|○" the feeling with this girl is different from all the other girls i liked. should i confess or not??

785 Name: 映画男 : 2020-02-21 04:28 ID:WXp6O58q

>>781 hahaha actually I just turned 30, when I first posted on 4ch I was 15 years old. I cant believe its been over 10 years and I'm still here from time to time.

The girl who was 5 years older then me we never end up together, I flew back to Taiwan just to meet up with her to make things official but she disappeared after a week.

Funny thing, around October last year me and Miya ended up talking again and we're in good terms now. I had these crazy dreams last year where she broke up with her boyfriend and it turned out to be true. We didn't get back together but we remained good friends right now, she flew to Ireland this year to experience the outside world since she's never been to a english speaking country before so i encouraged her to go.

I went on a few dates this year but haven't met anyone I really like except for this one girl I met back in 2016, one thing that sucks is she already has a boyfriend and before I moved to china late 2017 I told her I liked her. Every time I go back Taiwan I'll meet up with her and those feelings comes back.

I was doing a long distance with a girl from Donguan my dad introduced to me for two months. I met up with her once in Hong Kong in November, she was a nice girl but I felt she didn't really like me. When I tried to establish the relationship she told me it gave her pressure and that she didn't want to give up her freedom. Weird thing was a few days before we broke it off she asked if I would move to Dongguan but I told her I don't even plan to stay in china and plan to move back to Taiwan in 2021. She went batshit crazy and said that I'm avoiding our problems and I didn't think about getting married with her, didn't plan our future. I was actually glad i broke it off with her cos she kept getting jealous of my dog and I couldn't accept that lol.

now I'm back in Taiwan for a vacation but I'm currently stuck here due to the coronavirus, I've met lots of different girls whether from friends or online but none of them have made me want to get back into a relationship. I think I'm just so use to being single right now and I enjoy the freedom. I reckon its better for me since i can focus on my music as I plan to release a lot of singles this year!

btw I actually made a website for my music if anyone wants to check it out~ www.bensontsaimusic.com

786 Name: 映画男 : 2020-02-21 04:40 ID:WXp6O58q

By the way I am amazed that people are still reading this!!!

I've been in china for over 2 years now and I realized that most chinese girls are looking for someone to get married with. I always get asked the question "why ain't you married? how come you don't don't have a girlfriend." To be honest I have some commitment issues now due to my last relationship so I'm not really looking to get married now, even though most of my friends are married. I think getting married you just need to take time to find the right one and not rush into it.

787 Name: 映画男 : 2020-04-07 15:13 ID:DhBzmlie

I think its weird that even though I enjoy being single for the time being, its just weird watching most of your friends getting married or have a kid.

I'm at that age whenever I open facebook, either someone got engaged/married or someone got a kid.

I found a old box of mine the other day and when I opened it, there was two pictures of Miya when we were still together. It felt strange when I saw the photo, some how made me realize I kinda miss those times. Sure it was very tiring for me when we were together but funny thing was I was actually happy.

Miya actually came back to Taiwan two weeks ago due to the coronavirus in Europe, but shes been acting different since she came back, she mentioned that there was someone on her flight who was tested positive and it got me really worried if something happened to her. So today I wrote her a card because I somehow feel she's depressed and I dont know what I can do to make her feel better. I'm going to send the card tomorrow and see if she'll appear, she has disappeared for almost a week now, matybe she doesn't want to talk to me and that's ok. Its fine if she wants to move on as long as I know shes fine, I realized if you really care about someone, it only matters if they are ok.

on a serious note, Sometimes I do feel like I'll be alone for a very longtime, its hard meeting anyone that can give me that spark again.

788 Name: Secret Admirer : 2020-05-07 07:57 ID:ZTFUUjHa

I've just read this entire thread for the first time and I literally could not stop until I got to the end. What a fun and amazing read. My heart goes out to you Benson (Eiga Otoko). I think those who remain close to you are lucky to have you.

789 Name: Secret Admirer : 2020-09-24 19:21 ID:VvEBViiJ

>I was actually glad i broke it off with her cos she kept getting jealous of my dog and I couldn't accept that lol.

holy fucking shit lol. Also your music is a good thread theme. Though a 14 year old thread and the OP is still around. That is really something. I wonder how many people in the world get to experience that particular feeling?

790 Name: Secret Admirer : 2020-09-30 11:58 ID:7fIA0FL3

I just read this thread and damnit, it's been 15 years of your life Eiga Otoko.
It's just my opinion, but how about leaving behinde your exes for a while? I mean cut contact. Also I think you should take a break from considering girls a potential partner. Take a break. Go to Europe for example(just to stay in another continent), experience life in a new place, different culture etc.

Also if I understand correctly you tend to give girls alot from the beginning, basically you're very nice(a lot nice) from the very beginning. That isn't neccessarly a bad thing but it seems to be a bitch attractor. Maybe try not to rush( and I mean not to consider a potential partner every girl that you like), let the relationship sink(before the dating game begins), try to see and find the REAL personality and motivations behind a person before beginning to dedicate yourself to them.

I don't have the experience you have but looking from outside at your romantical situation the tips I wrote earlier seem the most suitable.

And remember, the important thing is not how much time it will take to happen, the important thing is if it will happen. And if you never give up, then the possibilities will keep living on.

791 Name: 映画男 : 2020-10-10 17:15 ID:WngjE6oe

>>790 Actually that's what I'm doing right now, I'm taking a huge break from any girls and haven't talked to any of my ex's. I thought taking this break I can work on thinning down so I've been working out a lot. Going to Europe does sound like a great idea except right now with the whole COVID crisis I'll probably wait till the world goes back to normal. My best friend also stated that I'm way too nice in the beginning so I've actually cut it down more since I know if your too nice to a girl in the beginning its pretty much a free entry to the friend zone.

Since my last post, I came back to China in May since work had started for me. Me and my roommate plan to save enough money and leave China next year in April. I'm considering going back to Taiwan to continue my music since I can't really do much in china due to work. I'm trying to cut down on my weight, I'm currently 93kg and when I started working out I was 105kg (fuck me I'm fat). My aim is to get to below 85kg before I head back to Taiwan, I think this is a good chance for me to train my self mentally and psychically.

I don't plan to go on any dates during my last 6 months stay in china because I don't see the point of going out with anyone since I'm going to leave next year. I got a new single coming out this month! I plan to release more next year so hopefully by the time I get back to Taiwan I can shoot a new music video!

anyway hope ya'll safe around the world during this chaotic times! stay safe everyone!

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