[Baby Humans] Post the Hikikomori/Avoidant things you've while out in society recently! [Part 2] (80)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2006-09-18 06:37 ID:Heaven

Part II. Thread for discussing those times when you were out interacting with other people, but did things that you think a "normal" or "social" person wouldn't have done. (Because you were too shy, didn't know how to react, etc.)

Please no discussion of "bottling" this time.

2 Name: Anonymous : 2006-09-18 07:07 ID:PWMYwp37

What's "bottling"?

3 Name: Anonymous : 2006-09-18 07:25 ID:S0fZKnr4

>>Please no discussion of "bottling" this time.

That's a legitimate aspect of the culture. Don't exclude the topic because it's too "real."

4 Name: Anonymous : 2006-09-18 10:21 ID:Heaven

Like I said, water is a renewable resource. You have no ecological excuse!

5 Name: Anonymous : 2006-09-18 21:45 ID:PWMYwp37

what is bottling in the context of hikkies?! ;_;
the google, it does nothing ;_;

6 Name: Anonymous : 2006-09-18 21:54 ID:VtPuAQl8

you'll be better off not knowing

7 Name: Anonymous : 2006-09-18 22:05 ID:Heaven

Poopin' and peein' in a bottle instead of a toilet.

8 Name: Anonymous : 2006-09-18 23:21 ID:JbEBsZ5g

>>7 pooping in a bottle would be so hard! I was thinking he used a bucket or something instead

9 Name: Anonymous : 2006-09-19 02:38 ID:gswsYwUY


I admitted that I typically went to the actual bathroom when I needed to BM, but I don't think it would be too difficult to use a bottle. If you got one of those Gatorade bottles with the large mouth, then that would be even easier. Women would also be able to practice on those until htey built up enough confidence to switch to ones with smaller openings.

10 Name: Anonymous : 2006-09-19 04:13 ID:YRXXcaXY


What the hell, is there some kind of censorship on 4ch that we can't say shit? It feels like everyone's tiptoeing around this subject.

I can't imagine a woman bottling.

11 Name: Anonymous : 2006-09-19 06:56 ID:Heaven

dude, start another thread for "bottling" discussion.

12 Name: Anonymous : 2006-09-19 08:22 ID:Heaven

i thought that was what this thread was for... why make another one?

13 Name: Anonymous : 2006-09-19 16:17 ID:8nn8xX30

this thread is for recording our hikky experiences

14 Name: Anonymous : 2006-09-19 17:11 ID:Heaven

Way to start a thread without even contributing to it, >>1.

15 Name: 1 : 2006-09-19 22:21 ID:Heaven

Well, I couldn't exactly copy my post that was deleted with teh last thread...

But, okay: Yesterday in one of my classes my teacher seperated us into groups based on our which of the "Multiple Intelligences" we got higher on. Mine was Intrapersonal. (Not like I didn't know that before I took the test and whatnot.)

So yeah, each of the groups was supposed to talk about what it meant to be in that category. My group stood around and stared. It was fun.

I guess I actually fit in there. :p

16 Name: Anonymous : 2006-09-20 00:19 ID:Heaven

This thread is going to die without bottling

17 Name: Anonymous : 2006-09-20 03:37 ID:Heaven

posting in a dead thread

18 Name: Anonymous : 2006-09-20 11:05 ID:Heaven

This thread is going nowhere fast.

19 Name: Anonymous : 2006-09-21 04:13 ID:Heaven


20 Name: Anonymous : 2006-10-01 23:45 ID:wZphicQF

For speech class Friday, I was put in a group with 4 women (I was the only dude).

I think I played it off pretty cool, pretending to be social. Chimed in with ideas and comments every now and then.

...I wish I could be like that with all group situations. :(

21 Name: Anonymous : 2006-10-02 00:46 ID:Heaven

Well, you can. If you can do it one time, you can do it again. And again. And again. Until it just works. Beeing social is learnable, and you learn it best by doing. If you want, just try. It'll work out. (Well, it worked out for me at least, and I hope I'll work out for you.)

22 Name: Anonymous : 2006-10-12 09:15 ID:DVatM3Hg

>>1 what the fuck is 'bottling'?

23 Name: Anonymous : 2006-10-12 22:21 ID:9JnBukjO

You have a bottle lying around. You want to piss or shit. Therefore, bottling.

24 Name: Anonymous : 2006-10-12 22:40 ID:Qh9hPLkY

y'know, you could have read the topic a bit more.

25 Name: Anonymous : 2006-10-13 12:40 ID:ZLqvO+oh

I haven't done any Hikikomori/Avoidant things while out in society because I haven't been out in society in a long time!

26 Name: Anonymous : 2006-10-14 18:35 ID:Heaven

I tried storing my urine in glass bottles for future use, but within a week its already a rotten brownish color and asmellin of ammonia. any suggestions?

27 Name: Anonymous : 2006-10-15 04:23 ID:oTff1ors

I completely ignored Homecoming. Okay, that's not very avoidant and definitely not Hikkikomori, but it's the best I could come up with...

28 Name: Anonymous : 2006-10-15 22:11 ID:Heaven

were you CHILLing out with your friends?

29 Name: Anonymous : 2006-10-18 07:21 ID:kx2vNwBM

I dropped out of college because I couldn't avoid people while living in a dorm, and seeing as how I couldn't get my own apartment I had no other choice but to drop out so I could be alone in my room again.

30 Name: Anonymous : 2006-10-18 21:11 ID:/wgXu4OU

You can get a 1 person dorm, you know. I like being alone in my room too but I am fine because I completely ignore my roomate and he completely ignores me. So that works out really well.

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