[Baby Humans] Post the Hikikomori/Avoidant things you've while out in society recently! [Part 2] (80)

36 Name: Anonymous : 2006-10-26 07:46 ID:9ZArkTHG

Sorry to hijack this thread, but I didn't wanna start another hikikomori/shut-in thread just to ask this. Anyway, what I wanted to ask is, what do you guys do about haircuts? Assuming you don't leave the house for months at a time, maybe even longer, your hair would get quite long. Do you cut it yourself? Or do you suck it up and just go to a barber shop?

I ask because my hair grows ridiculous fast, so I need a haircut more often than most. And as a hikky, I'm not comfortable leaving the house altogether, but the barber shop is an especially uncomfortable place, because you're bound to that chair forced to answer all sorts of personal questions, such as "Are you in school?", "What are you plans for today?", etc., etc. So as you can imagine, I get very uncomfortable, but at the same time, I don't want my hair growing so long that I look like some kind of emo faggot.

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