[Baby Humans] Post the Hikikomori/Avoidant things you've while out in society recently! [Part 2] (80)

56 Name: Anonymous : 2007-05-28 00:57 ID:TDBkf2xS


Yeah I do but here NEET and hikky basically have the same definition but the majority of people here are half-hikkys or/and just NEETs....

I did go a party once...

Soon after the end of my grade school days someone who I had kept in contact with invited to go out with him to a party one day on the weekend. I accepted his offer but when I went inside the establishment it just became an unbearable situation. I sat there doing nothing and speaking to no one annoying by the entire experience. I left 30 minutes later and went home alone and back to my computer.

One of my other friends got a hold of my phone number and invited me to go skydiving. I turned that friend down not because I wouldn't mind going skydiving but because I would rather stand in front of a computer screen fap, watch anime, and lurk around the internet. In retrospect that is sad but since than I've done nothing to change the situation.

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