[Baby Humans] Post the Hikikomori/Avoidant things you've while out in society recently! [Part 2] (80)

69 Name: Anonymous : 2007-10-09 17:00 ID:WKEoLY5s

I couldn't say i'm a hikky or an avoidant. I'm a loner, i don't really care if there is people around, as long as they let me be. But, there are some kind of people that just wouldn't understand that because you see them in a regular basis, that still won't make them my "friends".
Last week, i had to do a homework with a classmate. So sociable it almost made me throw up. He wouldn't concentrate in the homework, his petty talk was driving me nuts. And then a revelation came to me. I remembered he was homophobic. So, i flirted with him. You should have really seen his face : D He got so scared he tried to hit me, but i grabbed his arm and pushed him to the wall, and leaned my face closer and closer to his :3 . He ran away from my house almost crying like a little girl, and next day he tells the teacher he doesn't want to do the homework, leaving me free to do it all by myself.

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